Sequences | reykjavik | 6–15 October 2017
04.04.13 19:14

Sequences VI opening Friday April 5th 20:00

It’s time!! Sequences VI opens Friday April 5th at 20:00 in the Living Art Museum.


In the Living Art Museum and Artíma gallerí Gretar Reynisson, Sequences VI honorary artist, exhibits his work Decade. A few steps up the street an exhibition of Martha Wilson’s piece I have become my own worst fear / Deformation and Sigrún Hrólfsdóttir’s Model, opens in Listamenn at the same time.

After the exhibitions we will head to KEX where DJ Attaché plays at 22:00 and Magnús Logi Kristinsson performs his first performance of five during Sequences.

The next ten days will be packed with events and exhibitions.



Nú brestur á með opnun Sequences VI föstudaginn 5. apríl kl. 20:00 í Nýlistasafninu.


Í Nýló og Artímu gallerí sýnir Gretar Reynisson, heiðurslistamaður Sequences VI, verkið Áratug. Aðeins ofar í götunni opnar á sama tíma sýning á verki Mörthu Wilson I have become my own worst fear / Deformation og verki Sigrúnar Hrólfsdóttur, Líkan, í Listamönnum.

Að sýningunum loknum verður haldið á KEX þar sem DJ Attaché tekur í taumana kl. 22:00 og Magnús Logi Kristinsson mun flytja fyrsta gjörning sinn í röð fimm gjörninga á Sequences.

Næstu tíu dagana rekur svo hver viðburðurinn annan.