Sequences | reykjavik | 6–15 October 2017
11.07.13 16:00

Finito! Wrap up


We’ve finished uploading photos and videos from exhibitions, openings and events of Sequences VI. You can find photos and videos by clicking here.


Thanks to all of you who attended Sequences VI or followed the festival from a distance! We do hope you enjoyed.


Below are some quotes from the reviews of Sequences VI. A list of press reviews and articles can be found by clicking here.


’till next time in 2015… toodleoo!



“[on Gretar Reynisson’s exhibition Decade] It’s a romantic idea, at once egomaniacal and Sisyphean: ten years to assemble something that most people will wander through in well under ten minutes. But then, Sequences VI is a romantic festival. “I was very much thirsty for a new approach, something non-academic,” said its curator, Markús Þór Andrésson. I think he was after something thoughtful and theatrical, a festival that wears its heart on its sleeve, only the sleeve is removable. “If we can all just accept this old-fashioned idea of theater, of doing something fake, then something true can happen as well.”
Artforum, Claudia La Rocco


“… it was back up the creaking lift, this time to room 413. Here Rebekka Erin Moran had a film-based installation, in which she projected a blank 16mm film through a circular prism of varying coloured Perspex. The end result was a light image that looked very much like the standard ‘beachball’ wait curser on an Apple Mac. It was a simple enough premise – a nod to the frustration of waiting – nicely complicated by the use of old analogue technology. This room had previously been used in the production of another commission. A short while before the start of the festival, Ragnar Kjartansson had checked himself in to the suite for a one-night stay. During that period he painted a series of self-portraits using the hotel mirrors. These were hung in the lobby aside the hotel’s permanent collection of older, often naïve, paintings, which include work by the artist’s grandfather, who went by the same name. A self-reflective series, they were simultaneously melancholic and uplifting in their mediation of time passing, aging and the process of older generations giving over to younger ones.”
ArtReview, Oliver Basciano



“I år var det Markús Þór Andrésson som var kurator. Det er liten tvil om at han har lyktes med å få frem mange forskjellige prosjekter som tar for seg hvordan man kan oppfatte tid og rom. Den store variasjonen i kunstneriske uttrykk, hvor man fikk fremvist installasjoner, video, lydkunstverk, performancer etc., bidro til å gi festivalen et solid mangfold. Utstillingene var også fordelt ved ulike utstillingssteder rundt omkring i Reykjavik, og dette fungerte fint siden byen er såpass liten at man enkelt kan komme seg rundt og se alt. På denne måten fikk man også en intim opplevelse med hver kunstner siden alle fikk nok rom å utfolde seg på. Og ved å spasere fra galleri til galleri fikk man nok tid til å reflektere over hva tid faktisk er og hvordan man selv kan være med på å påvirke sin egen, i den vanlige og repeterende hverdagen hvor man oftest bare arbeider, spiser og sover”
KUNSTforum, Hanne Cecilie Gulstad



“Men islandske Magnús Logi Kristinsson fylder pænt i programmet og leverer fem performances under titlen Thinking out of the Box… and inside. En række performances, hvor han udfordrer idéen om kunstnerisk nærvær og skabelse, stærkest eksekveret i lørdagens performance.
Nedsænket i en høj træboks og afskåret fra publikum (man kunne blot følge processen via støjen og nogle få installerede dørspioner), malede, hamrede, skruede, bankede og savede Kristinsson i flere timer for til sidst at save sig igennem til det hujende publikum udenfor.
Sjældent har jeg oplevet en lignende suspense og et publikum så optaget og underholdt af et ‘nu’ man var afskåret fra at tage del i.”
Kunsten.nu, Matthias Hvass Borello