Sequences | reykjavik | 6–15 October 2017
25.10.16 00:11

Sequences fagnar 10 ára afmæli og kynnir sýningarstjóra Sequences VIII, Margot Norton // Sequences 10th anniversary celebration and Margot Norton introduced as curator of Sequences VIII


english below//

10 ára afmælishátíð Sequences fer fram laugardaginn 19. nóvember 2016 og eru allir boðnir velkomnir til að taka þátt í hátíðarhöldunum sem hefjast á hádegi. Margot Norton, sýningarstjóri hjá New Museum, mun sýningarstýra Sequences VIII sem haldin verður í október 2017. Margot verður viðstödd hátíðahöldin og mun kynna heiðurslistamann næstu hátíðar og veita gestum innsýn inn í næstu hátíð. Nokkrir af listamönnunum sem Margot hefur boðið þátttöku munu koma við sögu á afmælisdeginum.


Allir eru velkomnir og aðgangur endurgjaldslaus.

Nánari dagskrá auglýst fljótlega.



Um Margot Norton

Margot Norton er sýningarstjóri á New Museum í New York. Þar hefur hún sýningarstýrt einkasýningum með listamönnum á borð við Judith Bernstein, Pia Camil, Sarah Charlesworth, Roberto Cuoghi, Tacita Dean, Ragnar Kjartansson, Chris Ofili, Goshka Macuga, Laure Prouvost, Anri Sala og Erika Vogt auk samsýninganna The Keeper, Here and Elsewhere og NYC 1993: Experimental Jet Set, Trash and No Star. Norton skipulagði yfirlitsýningu á verkum “Llyn Foulkes” sem hefur verið sett upp í the Hammer Museum í Los Angeles, auk þess vann hún að samsýningunum Ghosts the MachineChris Burden: Extreme measures og Jim Shaw: The End is Here. Norton sýningarstýrði Næturvarpi: Náin rafræn kynni, dagskrá myndbandsverka sem var til sýningar á RÚV í upphafi árs 2016. Norton er um þessar mundir að vinna að yfirlitssýningu á verkum Pipilotti Rist: Pixel Forest sem verður til sýningar í New Museum 26. október 2016 –  15. janúar 2017. Norton var áður aðstoðarsýningarstjóri á Whitney Biennial 2010 og í Whitney Museum of American Art (Drawings Department)  í New York. Norton hefur haldið fyrirlestra og gefið út efni um samtímalist og hlaut meistaragráðu í sýningarstjórnun frá Columbia University, New York.




Sequences 10th anniversary celebration on November 19th and Margot Norton introduced as curator of Sequences VIII


On the occasion of Sequences 10th anniversary, please join in a celebration from noon on November 19th in central Reykjavík.  Margot Norton, associate curator at the New Museum, will be the curator of Sequences VIII, that will be held in October 2017. Norton will be present and will introduce the honorary artist of Sequences VIII and give a glimpse into the upcoming festival. A few of the invited artists will have an appearance on the day of the celebration.


All are welcome, no entry fee just cake and cava!

Program to be announced shortly.


About Margot Norton

Margot Norton is Associate Curator at the New Museum in New York. At the New Museum, she has curated and co-curated solo exhibitions with artists Judith Bernstein, Pia Camil, Sarah Charlesworth, Roberto Cuoghi, Tacita Dean, Ragnar Kjartansson, Chris Ofili, Goshka Macuga, Laure Prouvost, Anri Sala, and Erika Vogt, and group exhibitions The Keeper, Here and Elsewhere, and NYC 1993: Experimental Jet Set, Trash and No Star. She also organized the retrospective exhibition Llyn Foulkes, which traveled from the Hammer Museum in Los Angeles, and worked on the exhibitions Ghosts in the Machine, Chris Burden: Extreme Measures, and Jim Shaw: The End is Here. Norton curated Night Transmissions: Electronic Intimacy, a program of video art broadcast on RÚV, Icelandic National Broadcasting Service in early 2016. Norton is currently working on the exhibition, Pipilotti Rist: Pixel Forest, on view at the New Museum October 26, 2016—January 15, 2017. Before she joined the New Museum, she was Curatorial Assistant on the 2010 Whitney Biennial and in the Drawings Department at the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York. Norton has lectured and published on contemporary art and holds a Master’s Degree in Curatorial Studies from Columbia University, New York.​​


Image credit: Courtesy New Museum, New York. Photo: Benoit Pailley