Sequences | reykjavik | 6–15 October 2017
19.12.14 18:36

Utandagskrá Sequences VII / Off-Venue Program at Sequences VII


// See english version below // Sequences myndlistarhátíð verður haldin sjöunda sinni í Reykjavík 10.-19. apríl 2015. Líkt og á síðustu hátíð verður sérstök utandagskrá kynnt samhliða aðaldagskránni þar sem listamönnum og sýningarstöðum gefst kostur á að standa fyrir sýningum og viðburðum sem falla innan ramma tímatengdra listmiðla. Sú nýjung gafst vel á Sequences VI en meðal viðburða voru Nordic Film Festival í Norræna húsinu, fyrirlestur Charlotte Laubard í Listasafni Reykjavíkur, sýnd voru kvikmyndaverk eftir Matthew Barney í Bíó Paradís og fjöldi sýninga fór fram víðs vegar um borgina; á Freyjugöturóló, Gallerí Þoku, Kaffi Rót, Hörpu og víðar. Sjá utandagskrá Sequences VI hér undir Off Venue Events og Off Venue Exhibitions.

Opið verður fyrir skráningu í utandagskrá Sequences VII frá 2. janúar til 2. mars 2015. Vinsamlegast sendið póst á sequences@sequences.is þar sem fram kemur titill viðburðar, listamenn, tími og staðsetning ásamt mynd og upplýsingarnar munu birtast á vefmiðlum Sequences og í prentaðri dagskrá hátíðarinnar.

// English version //

Sequences will be held for the seventh time in Reykjavik April 10-19 2015. Dedicated to time-based art, such as performance, video and sound, Sequences is an artist initiated festival and has grown from the grass-root art scene in Iceland and established itself as a progressive international visual arts event of significance.

As part of Sequences VII, an Off-Venue Program will be introduced where artists and venues can present their exhibitions and events. This was introduced for the first time in the previous edition of Sequences, during which works from Matthew Barney and many more were exhibited, talks were held and films screened. See last year’s Off-Venue Program here under Off Venue Events and Off Venue Exhibitions.

To be a part of Sequences VII’s Off-Venue Program, please contact sequences@sequences.is between January 2nd and March 2nd 2015 and submit your time based art project taking place in Reykjavik during April 10-19, 2015. Please state title, artist(s), time and place accompanied by an image and it will appear online and in the Sequences handout.