Sequences | reykjavik | 6–15 October 2017

Apr 2016

28.04.16 21:42

Margrét Blöndal together with Alfredo Cramerotti shortlisted for the 2017 Venice Biennale


Sequences congratulates Sequences VII’s curator Alfredo Cramerotti and artist Margrét Blöndal on being among three proposals shortlisted for the Icelandic Pavilion at the 2017 Venice Biennale. 


The Icelandic Art Center has introduced the…more

Jan 2015

21.01.15 13:25

Sequences VII proudly presents the work of 25 local and international artists and honorary artist Carolee Schneemann.


Sequences VII opens its ten-day biennial in Reykjavík, Iceland, on April 10.

An offspring of the dynamic art scene that thrives in Reykjavik, Sequences real-time art festival is an independent biennial that aims to produce…more

Oct 2014

24.10.14 09:00

Alfredo Cramerotti verður sýningarstjóri Sequences VII 2015


Alfredo Cramerotti hefur verið valinn til að sýningarstýra sjöundu Sequences myndlistarhátíðinni sem fram fer í Reykjavík 10.-19. apríl 2015. Sequences er metnaðarfullur, alþjóðlegur myndlistartvíæringur og er eina hátíðin á Íslandi sem sérhæfir sig í…more